Tag: radium hotsprings

Welcome to Summer!

Reminder *** I will be away June 27 – July 12! ***

I’m off to the coast (home) for a visit with family and friends and to work my other, other, other job with BC Bike Race!

Summer in the Columbia Valley is amazing, there’s new snow on the mountains (!!) the lake is refreshing and the trails are perfect for running, hiking or riding. During the hot summer days our dog walks might get a little shorter, slower and shadier. I bring water with me on all walks and try to get to the lake or other water source whenever possible.

Pet sitting dates are almost fully booked from July to November. I only have a few potential spaces available. As well, I will likely (hoping!) be away during the first two weeks of December to have a much needed vacation and get some SUN before the cold of winter hits.

As always, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all the awesome dogs and cats (and the people!) for all the support. The dog walk days keep me fit and active and I love to get as many kitty cuddles as possible!

Thanks for all the love,